Cody Nelson's Past, Present, Future


Cody Mack Nelson was born in Sacramento, California (Yuck!) on November 18th 2007. He has 4 older brothers. He lived in Elk Grove for 2 years before moving to Meridian Id aho. He attened Hunter Elementary for 7 years. He attended Sawtooth Middle School for 3 years, and has been at Meridian Techincal Charter High school.

Sawtooth Middle School Logo


Cody Nelson is currently attending MTCHS as a Sophmore. He is a big nerd and enjoys many nerdy hobbies such as:


Cody Nelson also has none-nerdy hobbies such as WWE and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


Cody Nelson doesn't like thinking about his future, but when he does, it's not very far. After High School, Cody Nelson is going to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Once he returns home the plan variest. Plan A is that when i return to find a job in Web Design or Software Development, and if I don't find a job i'll go to further education. Another possible plan is that, while I have a Web Dev or Software Dev job, i use the money I get to keep myself alive and fund Wrestling School so i can train to be a WWE Wrestler!

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